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Quiz 3- Ethics Case 2 - Lighthouse - Short Essay

Quiz 3- Ethics Case 2 - Lighthouse - Short Essay

Q • Ethics Case #2: Lighthouse was about Josie Sung, co-founder of Lighthouse Systems based in Denver, CO. After graduating from Stanford School of Business, Josie and her co-founder developed an app that delivered company information to employees on any mobile platform. The company grew to $450 million in annual sales. • In the case, Josie made the hard decision to fire her top performing sales person (Tristan Jones) after his third ethical transgression. Now, Josie is worried about "pushback from several Board members" over her decision to terminate Tristan who is the company’s top sales performer, and the source of the company’s largest deals. • Write a memo from Josie Sung to the Board explaining why it was necessary to terminate Tristan. What made this hard decision absolutely necessary from a business ethics standpoint?

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There are several individuals who have already become conscious of the news bulletin that Tristan Jones was requested to leave the company upon immediate impact. On the other hand, Mr. Jones have been performing exceptionally and through that he did contribute massively towards the growth of the organization, this remains a marked statement in the book. Nevertheless, in some current investigation of illegal processes from Mr. Jones aspect did create a release from the service that he was into.